We’re so glad you’ve found us! We started our work several years ago because we were thinking of marketing in a different way than many others. We needed more space so that our creativity could soar, in order to be able to open new opportunities for everyone. We enjoy creating new things which are original and special. Yes, the outcome might even be strange sometimes since we approach the problem in an integrated way, and let our imagination run free so that everything turns out awesome at the end of the day. This is our mutual interest. We are aware that brand creation is a long-term mutual task of ours rather than a prolonged, overpriced series of campaigns. We want you to see that marketing expenses are not money thrown out the window, but rather an investment to reach your goals. Don’t think that we cannot think big just because we are small. When you get to know us you will realize that our strategic thinking, our agility, experience and unconventional approach ensures the success!
The members of our team were selected to represent the stangeness that is essential in the creative profession through their experience and personality. Our co-workers are more than simple colleagues. They are professionals! We work day and night to create something really original, which is used by many people with pleasure and which also makes people laugh, for we need some fun on weekdays too. We have already proven our expertise and dedication in various fields of our profession as we have been active in the marketing sector for ten years. The main task of the management is providing a full service the clients, therefore everyone communicates with the company’s decision-makers directly thereby making our services more efficient. We don’t have people who “stand in the line” working here. You don’t need that either! Contact us and create something new together…